Thank you so much for all your information each week. It is so appreciated, especially now when it’s so difficult to find data. The media covers nothing!

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The cumulative toll of repeat infections is so disheartening, and so obviously true at this point. For Covid careful people like me it can really degrade friendships. I still prefer to eat outside at restaurants (there are so many options here in Philly) yet we have friends who refuse. I just want every Covid infection and the accompanying risk to be “worth it.” I would have much more fun chilling outside and eating the same damn food, with a better ambience!

When sick, I’m planning to take 10 days Paxlovid, and if I can stomach it, metformin to reduce long Covid risk. I’ll add a nasal spray, maybe just saline, to reduce nasal viral load. And I’ll knock on wood 😉

Thanks for a great run down as usual.

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I agree Ryan. It is hard to be the only person taking precautions now that the media no longer warns of the dangers of (repeated) COVID infections and most people feel like COVID is over. But, data from multiple studies shows that each reinfection increases the risks of Long COVID and other chronic conditions like diabetes and heart attacks.

It's good to have a plan in case you get COVID. Here are some helpful links regarding Paxlovid (and Metformin):

TELEMEDICINE: Get a Paxlovid prescription via Hello Alpha or another telemedicine provider. https://www.helloalpha.com/ for $35 asynchronous appointment.

Liverpool COVID-19 Drug Interaction Checker (for Paxlovid): https://www.covid19-druginteractions.org/checker

COVID REBOUND is about the same for Paxlovid vs no Paxlovid.

12/22/23 CDC MMWR: SARS-CoV-2 Rebound With and Without Use of COVID-19 Oral Antivirals https://buff.ly/4asZbIv

Pfizer PAXCESS program to get free Paxlovid or reimbursement on your co-pay: https://www.paxlovid.com/paxcess

Patient should sign up for the program before they go to pick up the prescription.

TREATMENT LOCATOR: https://treatments.hhs.gov/ to find out which pharmacies have Paxlovid in stock.


Favorable Antiviral Effect of Metformin on SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial https://buff.ly/3USQNv5

"In this randomized, placebo-controlled trial of outpatient treatment of SARS-CoV-2, metformin significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 viral load, which may explain the clinical benefits in this trial."

DOSE: The metformin dose was titrated over 6 days: 500 mg on day 1, 500 mg twice daily on days 2–5, then 500 mg in the morning and 1000 mg in the evening up to day 14.

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These are fantastic resources, thank you so much! I think we are definitely of the same mind. I have held out this long, but I feel like this summer will be my first Covid experience as I can only control so much and stay connected to friends and family. I saw a patient for a physical yesterday (40 minutes) who “just had a cold.” He agreed to be tested and guess what, +. Exposed lots of people to his “cold” x 4 days. Agreed to Paxlovid. Sigh.

I wear an N95 with patients, it works of course.

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